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  • Writer's pictureMichael Bynum

Portrait Portfolio

When taking portraits, I am heavily influenced by an Instagram model, nyane. She uses colored lights and wigs to create these stunning photos. I began using the colored lights we have in the Art Department. My portraits are mostly color dominant because of what I was trying to learn about how colored lights and skin tones worked together.

Photo 1: This is the portrait under the red light from my still life portfolio. This is a picture taken while the boy was still smiling from the last position he was in but in the process of walking up to touch my camera's lens.

Photo 2: This is a photo of my classmate, Debbie. This was my first time shooting in a lighting studio with a model. The emphasis in this photo is the orange book so the photo was taken on a black background. Debbie's glasses have been tilted down to remove the glare from the lights.

Photo 3: This is another photo using Debbie. Since the color yellow is associated with happiness, I wanted yellow to be the dominant color. I used the external flash with a yellow gel, the sunflowers, a Mario power star plushie, a yellow background, and had her wear a yellow shirt.

Photo 4: This is a candid photo of my model, Antoinette. I was testing the green colored light bulb and getting ready to put the green gel on the external flash. I turned around and caught her taking selfies and thought it would be interesting to take a photo of her mid-selfie.

Photo 5: Blue is associated with sadness or being calm so I had my model look away from me and not smiling. I wanted her face to look mostly neutral and have the viewer interpret what emotion was being conveyed, similar to how the Mona Lisa has no definite emotion being displayed.

Photo 6: This photo was taken using an external flash and a purple gel. The auto focus on my camera was also turned off.

Photo 7: This photo was taken inside of Five and Below. I went there with the sole purpose off finding the most colorful thing I could, take as many photos of it as possible, and not get caught. This was taken on my iPhone camera.

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